History's Greatest Chance to Protect Nature, 2021

Check out and share this new video overview on the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance's plan in history's greatest opportunity to expand protected areas in 2021. Please help us grow our clout! Donate here!

Thanks to Darryl Augustine of Roadside films for putting this together and Kristen Brown for her quick filming of the narration!

AND this Thursday December 17, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm (Pacific Time), the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance will host an on-line Zoom event on "History's Greatest Chance to Protect Nature, 2021 - The Endangered Ecosystems Alliance's role" with staff introductions, a slideshow presentation about Canada's amazing ecosystems and greatest natural areas (eg's. BC's old-growth forests, Alberta's Rockies and foothills, the prairie grasslands, eastern deciduous forests, etc.) and Q and A. Join EEA's staff Ken Wu, Celina Starnes, Katie Wiese, and Richa Tyagi for this presentation. Please register now to join us for this FREE (but donations greatly accepted) event.

Make sure to download Zoom onto your computer or cell phone before the event!

Click here if you’d like to donate.