Donate and help the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance be a game-changer in the environmental movement!

Science shows a vital game-changer to help avert both the extinction and climate crises is to vastly scale the protection and restoration of native ecosystems.

With your help, we work for the science-based protection of Canada's endangered ecosystems by supporting First Nations protected areas initiatives, engaging diverse allies, and mobilizing thousands of Canadians to speak up. We aim to ensure that the federal and provincial governments get serious about meeting Canada's UN protected areas commitment - and go further to ensure the enduring protection of all our native ecosystems. Our young organization (founded 2018) is made up of campaigners with decades of experience, know-how, and dedication to protecting native ecosystems. 

Some of the projects and initiatives you're supporting

  • Our current direct work with about half a dozen First Nations communities to help enable the expansion of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA’s), while also working to arrange “conservation financing” to support such protected areas.

  • Vital science and policy research. And bring this work to decision-makers to ensure enduring protection for all ecosystem types across Canada.

  • Proactive engagement of diverse allies, including businesses, unions, faith groups, and multicultural outreach, to build our voice and greatly expand the total scale of the conservation movement.

  • Raising mass awareness and increasing public education among Canadians through our ongoing social media campaigns, which share our videos and photos of endangered ecosystems with an aim to reach 10 million Canadian viewers.

Read how we are unique here, see a video on the importance of our approach here and see the link to our main campaign news here.

Make your donation to the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance today!

Ways to Donate (tax receipt issued):

We’re incredibly grateful to all our supporters and we are thrilled to be able to provide tax receipts for all gifts $20 and over, including all recurring donations. Tax receipts will be issued to the email address submitted with the donation within the first 60 days of the new year. The Endangered Ecosystems Alliance Charitable Registration Number is: 73668 5116 RR 0001

For more information please contact us at Or give us a call

Donate by Credit Card

Automated Funds Transfer - Monthly Bank-to-Bank Donations

Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) are safe, secure, and convenient ways to donate directly from your bank account that cut down on transaction processing fees. By setting up automatic monthly donations directly from your bank, the savings on transaction fees mean that more of your donation goes to supporting our cause.

Monthly donations can be canceled at any time.

Donate by E-Transfer

Donations by e-transfer are greatly appreciated because they do not result in any of your donation being lost to bank fees. Depending on your bank, you may have a limit on the amount you can transfer, and your bank may charge you a small service fee.

  • In the “To” field of your online banking, enter this address as the recipient:

  • For your tax receipt, please include the following information in the note:

    • Your full mailing address

    • Your email address

Please note that your mailing address will only be used for the purposes of generating your tax receipt, which will be sent by email. EEA will never mail you promotional materials.

Donate by Cheque

Cheques can be made out to the "Endangered Ecosystems Alliance" and mailed to:

Endangered Ecosystems Alliance
PO Box 21573
Vancouver, BC
V5L 5G2

Donate with PayPal

The Donate button below will take you to PayPal’s donation portal:

Donate Stocks & Securities

The Endangered Ecosystems Alliance can also accept donations of securities, stocks, & mutual funds. We accept these donations through our profile on the Canada Helps charitable platform.

  • Once on our profile linked below, click the “Donate Securities” button on the right-hand side of the screen in the DONATE TO THIS CHARITY box. Note that a Canada Helps account will be required to complete securities donations.

    Fill out the form provided and follow along Canada Helps’ prompts to complete your securities donation. In addition to your contact information, you will need to know the name and total shares of the security being donated, your investment account number and, if applicable, your broker’s information.

    Once you have completed this form you will receive instructions on how you or your broker can initiate the securities transfer. If you are planning to donate different security types, you will need to complete this form for each type.

    Donations given through Canada Helps will be tax receipted through Canada Helps directly, approximately 1-3 business days after the transfer is complete.

    For more information, you can see Canada Helps’ guide to securities donations here. Contact us at if you have any questions or experience any issues.

You can find the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance on Canada Helps here:

A direct donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give charitably as the capital gains tax does not apply. This allows you to give more, and receive a greater tax credit:

You can also find us on the Charitable Impact and Benevity platforms.

Legacy Gift

A legacy gift (bequest, or planned giving) such as a Charitable Bequest, is a gift that is made to a charity as part of a Will or trust. A bequest to the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance is one of the most significant and impactful ways people have demonstrated their passion for protecting Canada’s most endangered ecosystems for future generations. A bequest can include a specific sum of money, a percentage of the value of your estate, gifts of property, and/or securities (e.g. stocks, bonds).

  • We encourage you to contact us to help you with the next steps please call us 604-401-2202.

    You may also directly consult your financial or estate planner regarding a legacy gift. They can provide you with advice on the best gift options and tax benefits. You will need our:

    Legal name: Endangered Ecosystems Alliance

    Charitable registration number: 73668 5116 RR0001

    If you have already made a provision for us in your estate planning, we would like to thank you and speak to you about the work your gift will support. You can reach out to us at

    Requests for anonymity will be respected.